
Shear Fanatic Blog

Can I Point Cut With Hair Texturizers?

Can I Point Cut With Hair Texturizers?

Posted by Scott Wilson on 31st Dec 2023

In this blog post, we will explore the question, "Can I point cut with hair texturizers?" Many hairstylists and individuals who cut their own hair often wonder if they can achieve clean and precise point cuts using texturizing shears. We will delve into the benefits and limitations of using texturiz …

Why is there such a difference in the price of Hair Scissors

31st Dec 2023

There is no question that there is a difference between the quality of hair scissors, barber scissors, texturizers and other stylist and barber tools. Hair scissors can range from $25 to $2500 and more. The largest difference in the price is the quality of steel. The process of purchasing a …